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Photography Thoughts

•teardrop in Serene•

•teardrop in Serene•

You can't help it, but to deliver yourself into the hands of death. Seeing how your love has falter, and slowly it vaporises into the cold thin air, gone .. You feel the breeze, but the gust it came from the heaven, Like a sign of condemnation, feeding into your soul, and freezing every emotion of yours, Emotions that you once had, that you once cherish. Alone, aimless, worthless, You raise the cutting knife, Flicking it open and preparing to break away from the excruciating pain by, paradox..

•Void together with Gold•

•Void together with Gold•

This unexplained feeling, Consuming me, and at the same time, divulging me. It is without pain and emotion, Being void, like the soul disappearing from its hold. But it is this painless and emotionless feeling that hurts the most. Truly, You don't know, How much I've not told, About the gold that I was told I'll never hold. It's heartbreaking, and I know that an outing to the undersky will be game changing. But I dare not plain to embark into the woods, yet, because, Creatures eat, they ...

•A pun to the beloved Wind•

•A pun to the beloved Wind•

To the Wind I always see, Always hoping to see if you are at the sea. The Wind that provides vitamin-C, And the Wind that blew me up to the tight end C. But the Wind doesn't start from a sea, but from the triplet consonant before the high end Sea. I know it's difficult to at least see what I've seen, but I'm worried if you'll be winding up at the sea, with no thunders and no storm, ending up with the four castles that made up of sand that I hope you'll not to be.

•Rainbow in Grey•

•Rainbow in Grey•

From the sky, down the windowsill, By the gravity I fall innocently into your grill. Sitting in the car, and there you are, Condemning in generalisation, And opining on my saturation. And the woman, who bore a child for nine months, unknowingly thrust a sentence of heartbreaking words, Destroying the trust in between on the basis of lust. And there the child lies, under the pouring rain, as a Rainbow in Grey.

A dirge to the NightLord

A dirge to the NightLord

At times of catastrophe, You first release the anchor and flee. Mundane enough to disconnect with the others, And cruel enough to watch the pieces of land burn in fire. Securing your interests, comes first, and to the heaven you soar till the thunders roar. What an irony. There you fear, you miss, how great is the land. But the land, you've forgotten once was left by you to death. You hope, pray, what a sham you display, That the shame will not fall unto you until the day you flee again.

No Turning Back

No Turning Back

It's never easy to turn back When hope fails to recuperate. And it's never easy to rest my heart still When they act only as passerby. I've seen no value, That's why I've no clue From where to start and where to end this rue. Honestly speaking, All I need is a cue, from you, A simple you, it's you, Before my life is due. Till we meet to part, I reckon.

•Pitch Thy Love•

•Pitch Thy Love•

It's something that people do not talk about, though the idea of it crosses their mind. And you wonder why? It's a social mute. A moralistic silence. A collective approval that beckons the disapproval. Innately with spikes, but with our pipes, we outright despise. And it's like turning a melodious hymn in a dirge, just like labeling him as dirt as it rhymes with purge that surges an unloving lurch against Thy Church, the meant-to-be Church. I'm hurt.

Travel in Waves

Travel in Waves

Tiding through the waves, Hitting upon Your grace, the suave waves. Intimidating as it looks, And as scary as it sees, the ocean deep. What's down, will surge up, What's up, will pour down, So, forge now. And at the skyline, everything will meet, But being neutral will never be seen, but you must seek. To seek when you surf through the oceans, To seek when you dive into commotion, And to seek the pearl that is in motion, An as always hidden beneath the oceans. Oceans that hold ..

Embark into your embrace

Embark into your embrace

The embarkation of my journey is based upon the deity of the trinity God. From sky to land, from land to sea, and thus, as you, I see. Fly as you walk, and sail as you see. Seek you'll find, and ask you'll be given.

Shrubby Path

Shrubby Path

A path that leads to nowhere, Placebo prayer, soothsayer's failure. Not true not true ~ Have faith in Him ~

Storming Faith

Storming Faith

Voyage in Faith, although, vikings at rear, and, storm in the way ~ All I want to is to rest in your serene hands.



Bloodshot Sun, Bloodlust set, As pain transcending an unending love, Hah, unending love? Is a house to let! Love doesn't teach me how to write, Nor does Love make me write, But it's pain who has touched my hand to compose, And it's pain who has taught me to dispose. A noceur I'm, enjoying the night when humans are warming up their beds, A notion I've, do as you wish, as long as God is pleased with that, And an enigma I'll be, so that you will be curious as a cat, As the saying goes..

I seek I soar

I seek I soar

The creations by a creature to his Creator ~

A wish upon the stars

A wish upon the stars

Wishing one day that you'll be by my side, and I'll be by your side, Cherishing the loveliest moment Under the mesmerising sky of ours ~



Flying colors and beauty-lights, On the carbonic page, that reflect the beauty and the beast in me.

A Genuine Blessing

A Genuine Blessing

Petals fall, rising feet, An act of adoration, and everyone's admiring it. Wedding of a bride and a groom, How wonderful, how beautiful. Imagine the audience on their feet, As the angelic bride walking up the isle, With her majestic smile on her face, Enchanting the groom's adoring eyes. The golden sheen, shining radiantly to wed them both, Accompanied by the melodious harmony, the pretty-quatrain, Lovingly blessing the newlyweds, As they unite before the Lord of lords and the King of kings.

Life = Fire

Life = Fire

It burns for good and bad. See how you take it, and utilize it. It's scorching, as well as naturally striking, depending on how you look at it. Rains can bring it down ~ who cares? As long as you keep burning, tag along with the winds, and pray to the Son for the Sun ~ ignite the forest, and there, you've overcame the mountain.

Upside Down

Upside Down

"I'll hold the water up for you. A 'things', that's my joy, Yet, it's my sorrow. A thing that floats in the air, Yet, it is a mirage of the Earth. Wishing for the futile, Hoping for the infertile,. Odd, it's what you think I'm, Fetching rock, skipping stone, What's not, I'm not alone. Fetching rocks, skipping stones, What's rock, I'm not by my own. 2 it's the figure, I counted it for the future, 3 it's another figure, 2 will figure it out later.

Man against the Mountain

Man against the Mountain

Over years the mighty mountains stood up straight, holding the crystal clear water and various beautiful animals. Look at the soaring Eagle who will never gives up in life no matter how strong the winds blow, or how hard the rains splash simultaneously on its feathers, it still endures until it sees the day.



All these days, toing and froing, hopefully not just to survive but to live a life. Right or Left Straight was left Left to Right Straight was right Couldn't decide? Don't need to suicide, let me cite, Straight ahead is all you need to recite.

Havocking Art

Havocking Art

During a havoc, you can find wonders and arts ~ you just have to look closely ~ Carry out the oblique strategies ~

A Turning Point

A Turning Point

Things might get different for now on ~ Wishing for better, and hoping for challenge ~ Countdown in 5 4 3 2 1 ...

Dazzling Hope

Dazzling Hope

Little by little dazzle me with hope ~ sparkle me with calmness ~ and radiate me with the coolness of Sun ~

A Fisherman

A Fisherman

Toiling for decades, With children in mind, Sowing under myriads, For who will have you in mind? Alas, somewhere in atlas, Sitting here waiting for lust, Not from ladies who always rust, But from the one who will last!

Thou Art the Light ~

Thou Art the Light ~

For you are my light!

Thou art the One

Thou art the One

Amidship, in the world of oblivion, Stranded in Your heart, Though I voyaged through the formidable tides, En route from east to west, You enchanted me with ease and rest. Unbeknownst to me, You shut me in, as you shut the Ark, Captivating to me, Of the splendid works You've done, And I'll moor and anchor in You, For, Thou art the One.



Lullaby, swaying day by day, One-to-two, two-to-three, Swing from Dó, pitch to Rè. By day, fore night, Catch the rays, keep the jays, seize the light, skip the jar. Alas, comes the formidable shadow, Invoking the hallow, reaping my sorrow, A flick, say bye-bye to the melodious jays, Trick of the dark, everything falls in decay. - You'll never know when will the swing break, by the time, it'll be too late but to join hands -

A Gardener

A Gardener

Imma gardener who obviously plant Not for me not for you but for the Mother Earth Don't be ashamed to ask why, But you ought to know the why, Because you are part of the nature, so am I. Nothing more nothing less, just do your part and beautify the land with wers-wers ~

Final Stage of Twilight

Final Stage of Twilight

The final stage of twilight, when the Sun kisses the serene sea at the western horizon. Slowly, feather like, it sleeps throughout the night, while the moon mirrored mystically of its light looks after half of the world. *Sky and sea, sandwich the golden egg*

A World of Mine

A World of Mine

A world of nymphs and fairies, Strolling into the woods of dryads. It seems unreal, but forced to live in it, By withholding my fear and be accustomed to it. A world without conservation but conservative, Putting an impending stop to ours conversations. And the leaves have stopped falling, how withering, Reckon, by tomorrow, my life's pilgrimage will cease to ring. It might grow on, maybe it will stay forever as it is, But I know it will come to an end, just a matter of when, ...

On my road to Calvary,_Only high heels on my feet, _Like body enveloping my wary,_It hurts, but rela

On my road to Calvary,_Only high heels on my feet, _Like body enveloping my wary,_It hurts, but rela

On my road to Calvary, Only high heels on my feet, Like body enveloping my wary, It hurts, but relatively better than exposing my feat. It's a gift, it's pretty, it's green, And I'm sure it's clean when it's screened, Yet, melodramatically discriminated by antediluvian dweebs, Leaf and rummage for what you haven't seen, geeks! Supposedly, shoe is to protect and comfort one's foot, But owing to the brands, I moronically abide to your rules, ...

Life of a Shoot

Life of a Shoot

One day back to the soil I'll return, From the soil I was born .. In either H I reborn, By death I live, in life I seize.

Courage to Heart you

Courage to Heart you

I see the land, Although I can swim, but I fear to swim over to it, For the water is deep. I see the ocean deep, Although I want to jump into it, But I fear to swim alone, For the ocean is a chill. I see the moving schools, Although they are there, But they are unreachable, For we live in different elements.

Restless Universe

Restless Universe

Maybe that's how to world operates ~ They put you in shame, Ripping your garment, Bit by bit, drop by drop, For they are afraid of losing their grants. They study, they graduate, For it's time, they wasted, They work, they earn, And it's time, they retrieved. Do we lighten the city without enlightening, or do we just lighten the town for the purpose of enlightening? What's before you, is just a part of the world. A world that's way too humongous for you to embrace. ...



A dot or a spot, It doesn't matter, Because you aren't the matter That people matter, Rather just a matter of a chatter, Except you make yourself better Amongst the other matters, Then you wouldn't be tattered By the matters that don't matter.

Life of a Wasp

Life of a Wasp

De facto, immaculate it is in my opinion, yet condemned harshly. Poor wasp, the carrier ~



As sanguine continues to fade, The shooting stars never appeared, And the Sun perpetually browning my spade, For I'm given no option but to shred to dread. In the apex of my anguish and my desperation, You push me to my limit and precipitate me into black, Lest I be tainted, though I understand, there's no salvation, Consented, to be shut in the hermitage that never once crack.

Indescribable ~

Indescribable ~

Nature Gift

Nature Gift

Blocks tinted by buttercup, colored by the sea. Reckon, origin from the creations, by the Creator.

Unyielding Faith

Unyielding Faith

And so, the Halo radiates majestically from the other side. Utters: "Hello from the other side, be unyielding and have faith".



Crawling down the road, as the sun dawning up the sky ~

cordial Art with Jazz

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
00:00 / 00:00

- To the Lord of Beginning and the End -

Every starting sentence is completed by the end phrases.


The starting point was always vague,Unsure where to start, unsure why to even start.


It’s basically like drawing your life on a piece of blank canvass, not sure how would the drawing turn out to be,

With multiple questions in mind,

Should I start from the top or the bottom or the middle, slightly to the left or to the right?


I’m pretty certain every line and colour meant something,And every moment in life holds meaning.


I came from a blank, and I didn’t want to remain blank,So I started from somewhere,

Though randomly, at least from somewhere,

But somewhere had me ended in a place where I was at my worst: the study of mandatory obedience.


I was unruly, I was obviously incapable,

Not to mention unqualified,

Should have been disqualified.


Yet, I was placed on this moving train,

To paint my life with only a pencil without an eraser, which I had gotten from a stationery shop I completely dislike, euphemistically speaking.


Unskilled, without artistic vision,

I was seated to paint with nothing in mind but only an empty dream,

Heading to an open stream.


It was an uneasy journey on the train,

Rooftops leaked, cabins reeked,

Plenty fled, even in speed.


Yet my giddiness kept me on board,

And my curiosity had me moved forth.


I drew, on a shaky table,

I had drawn, on the water stains,

I drew, right up to the window and table,

I had drawn, despite the lightless days.


And here I am, with my touch on every corner of the cabin,

It isn’t perfect, it isn’t within the rules,

But I’ve received the knowledge of what hold watercolour, and what don’t,

And despite the imperfection of my deliverance,

I’m of utmost contend with my journey.


And here I reach a starting point,

Where to look back is to discover His drawing, not mine,

His all graceful painting, not mine.


The product of his is present,

Whereas mine was a gift,

Without His directions, I’m sure I would be absent,

This moment is definitely also a gift.


A moment to start, a moment to end,He’s the reason I started, He will be the reason I end.

❤️ Amen ❤️


Officially Graduated to a mysterious future ✌🏼

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