• Edinburgh •

Hustle or bustle,
It’s a town that reminds me of hocus-pocus.
It’s magical, notwithstanding mystical,
Moments for radicals, the remaining is surreal.
Magnificent, is the adjective to this town of a fusion of fictional characters and historical actors,
In harmony they live, in armoury the story is.
In every close, a name is given,
Same as the cathedrals for the One in heaven,
But in between there live the homeless,
Yet they beg without being hopeless.
Fairies, witches or wizard,
They transcend without feeling less,
Bitchiest, coolest or wisest,
We all have our unique quests.
So with zest we put our limits to test,
We’re the best, don’t you feel less.
— PurplePen