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• fallen Angel •

He told me a story, about a fallen Angel.

It wasn’t about the Satan, nor was it about God.

It was about a man, who had fallen out with his angelic traits.

He had never listened to those before him, those who had been trying to warn him about the reality in life, saying: “the society is cruel, nobody is genuine, and everyone is just self-centred etc.”

He wondered, wasn’t the society made up of you and me? Wasn’t I somebody? Weren’t you warning me because you care about me?

“Naive, oh, young little Angel”, they said, envisioning their reality to be the reality of others.

True enough, the society is cruel, sure enough, nobody is genuine and everyone is just trying to protect their own interests.

“But why, why, and how come?”, same recurring questions that visited him days and nights after he fell into the societal trap of protectionism.

Rather than being open about his feelings, he was told to seal what’s true, and rather than being genuine, he was told that nobody is genuine, hence, to conform.

Then he realised, it is true that nobody is being open about what they feel, or how they feel, but that doesn’t mean that nobody is feeling nothing. It is also true that everyone is just putting up an act, but that doesn’t mean that everyone lacks a genuine self.

Nonetheless, he was just another fallen angel who was told by the same story that the reality is you being unreal, despite the reality is, in reality, ingenuine.

— PurplePen


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