• pagan & Christian •

Within these marble walls,
Christians surrounded themselves with gold and silver,
Above them covered with majestic paintings all over the arching ceilings.
A glorious representation of the heaven, they say,
Sacred and holy, they say.
Beyond these walls,
Sat 5 homeless, and 2 beggars,
Surrounded with crippling insects,
And above them the sun touches their skins daily.
A lamentable truth nobody says,
Spiancente, prego.
But the Dove flown away from its comodo nido,
And spread its wings over the poor and the defeated,
With hope and light the Dove carries and cloaks the naked with its feathers,
The truth is:
It is beyond these walls the work of God is done,
Not within, not in Heaven,
But on Earth the blood was shed,
The cross was levered,
And the Son was raised.
— PurplePen