• thy Silence, my pain •
It’s another night, where I look out the window with no resounding joy.
Trying to follow your whisper,
But all I hear is the buzzing silence.
I thought I’ve forgotten your voice, yet actually we’ve never talked,
And once I sought your tone through my chord,
Knowingly, I was just fobbing off with my monotonous monologue.
Pain, is what lingering in the air,
And it’s your absence that has staled the fair,
Like I’m in a lair to suffer from,
But despair has gotten me imagining this as the only share of yours to me as a gift.
A gift of realisation,
That all I can do is to look out the window,
Pass thousands of people,
Of hundreds of couples,
And dream like a widow.
In here I notice, only shadow follows,
Sometimes it leads on,
And there are times it wears off,
Like now, it’s all gone.
Yet one thing remains,
The buzzing silence you emanates.
— PurplePen