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To reconvene the Parliamentary meeting is a must during the time of Covid-19 pandemic

This is a supporting response to the DAP Supremo's call for a 2-day parliamentary meeting: "I don't care about any debate, as long as I get the money, all is good", says the self-centered and simple-minded.

Why should we care right? As long as the money gets into our respective pockets, we should be happy and thankful. But have we asked the following questions?

1. Where did the money come from? From you! For your information, the government receives money through taxation. For example, if you spend Rm10, and the SST/GST is 10%, then you need to pay Rm1 to the government for every Rm10 you spent (calculation might be wrong but you know what I mean. Let's not be pedantic with the correct figures/calculation). Another example, income tax. When you earn Rm10,000 per month, and the income tax is 1%, then you will give the government Rm100 for every Rm10,000 you earned.

2. Do I have to pay back later? YES YOU SURELY DO UNLESS YOU PASS AWAY SOON ENOUGH. You do still need to pay tax in the future. Or possibly, higher rate of taxation might be imposed on you after this crisis in order to recover the money spent by the government.

3. How would I know the WHOLE of RM250 bil will be distributed fairly and accordingly to the people as promised by PM Muhyiddin?

YOU WOULDN'T KNOW IF THE EXECUTIVE IS NOT ACCOUNTABLE TO THE PARLIAMENT. For your information, when most of you mention "the government", what you mean is "the Executive". Government includes the Executive, the Parliament and the Courts. So, when you mention "the government" introducing a RM250 bil stimulus package, it would lead to confusion because in actual fact, it is "the Executive" who is introducing the package and not the government. Should you want the government to introduce the stimulus package, the Executive must obtain express approval from the Parliament and an implied approval from the Courts (i.e. without express disapproval from the Court vide judgment), only could it be said that the stimulus package is introduced by the Government.

And (this is IMPORTANT), most people do not think a parliamentary debate regarding the "Stimulus Package" is necessary, and this is because they do not understand what is a Parliament and the function of it. In a simple sense, a Parliament is "You and Me". Should the Executive want to spend the money obtained out of "You and Me" through the RM250 bil stimulus package, the Executive needs to obtain express approval from "You and Me" through the Parliament. I know you are not sitting in the Parliament, but your representatives i.e. your members of Parliament will represent you in the Parliament to ensure the "Stimulus Package" is what "You and Me" needed and required.

The function of the Parliament or "You and Me" in the Parliament is to ensure that the money approved would be spent as intended, and all spending must be made known to "You and Me". You wouldn't want other people to spend your money without you knowing right? And you wouldn't want some unscrupulous monster to take RM50,000,000.00 out of the RM250 bil and spend it on diamond rings, LV Handbags, expensive watches without you knowing right? If the answer is a yes, then the Parliament which is "You and Me" is there to prevent so. You don't want to be getting RM500.00 out of the RM250,000,000,000.00 yet some unscrupulous monsters get RM50,000,000.00 out of RM250,000,000,000.00 without you knowing right?


4. Is RM 250 bil enough to battle such crisis? WE DON'T KNOW, THAT'S WHY WE NEED AN EMERGENCY SITTING FOR A DEBATE IN THE PARLIAMENT. We need a discussion beween "You and Me" with Muhyiddin in the Parliament.

5. Is RM 250 bil more than enough to battle such crisis? (SAME AS THE ABOVE)

6. Is giving money to the people enough to elevate them from the unprecedented burden they are currently facing? (SAME AS THE ABOVE)

7. Are there more things needed to be done other than directly giving the people money? (SAME AS THE ABOVE)

- And many more!

Nonetheless, we must definitely welcome the initiation made by PM Muhyiddin to introduce the RM250 bil stimulus package. The RM250 bil can to some extent, assist the people who are in need of financial support during a time of crisis as of now, and such money, as some have argued, could be used to encourage spending consequently to boost economic activity (this is however debatable, because, small businesses are currently unable to operate, and at the end of the day, big corporates would be the one profiting from the releasing of RM250 bil because currently people could only spend the money in JayaGrocer, AeonBig, McDonald, PizzaHut, Dominos, KFC and etc which are all owned by big corporates. Poor aunties and uncles who sell you Pisang Goreng at the side of the street wouldn't be benefiting from the RM250 bil, but only to receive a small sum of money from the stimulus package to survive the days. No one can guarantee the profits received by the big corporates would be reinjected back to the people/local economy after the first cycle. Thus, it is highly possible that RM250 bil could only be used to jumpstart the economy, but it wouldn't be able to guarantee long-run growth).

Hence, Parliament meeting is very much needed.



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